Monday, November 15, 2010

Journalism Sequences

The five sequences that were covered in the panel last week were magazine, convergence, print, broadcast, and strategic communication. If you go into magazine journalism you can become a spread designer. Magazine journalism is for people who like to write longer feature stories. For convergence journalism you can work at a TV station and then work on the online portion. Convergence teaches you everything but you never get to advance and grow. For print journalism people typically work either online or for a newspaper writing stories. Print is shifting into the more digital age instead of focusing on newspapers. In the broadcast sequence you can become a news reporter. Broadcast, as well as all other sequences in journalism, requires extremely long and inconvenient hours. If you go into the strategic communications sequence typically people go into public relations. Many people end up having to decide between broadcast and public relations for their sequence.

I don’t know if I have completely decided on a sequence yet but it helped me realize more of the differences between all the sequences. So far I like broadcast the most. For broadcast I would have to decide between working on the camera or behind the scenes in more of the production aspect. Since I was younger I’ve wanted to work on TV as a news anchor but I also think that working behind scenes in production or editing would be fun.

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