Monday, December 6, 2010

Diversity Interview

      For this diversity assignment I decided to interview Emily Schiffman, a Jewish student here at the University of Missouri.  I thought it would be difficult to interview her because I am not familiar with the Jewish faith or any hardships that she and others who follow her religion face on a daily basis.

      This interview made me more aware of how people treat others differently just based on their background.  I believe it is unfair that many are so quick to judge others by their religion, as well as race and other differences they may have.   I think it is important for people to not judge others solely on the ways in which they were brought up, because, as cliché as it sounds, everyone has to go through the same struggles.

       What is the most misconceived idea about your culture group?
       Well, people think that Jews are very cheap and there are stereotypes about the looks of Jews and they have the big noses and horns and big, curly hair
       What about how they act, any stereotypes about that?
       I mean, mainly the cheap thing is all I can think of right now.  I don't know, kind of mean, nasty, I don't know.
       Has the misconceived idea affected you positively or negatively?
       I mean, people make jokes like "oh, you're Jewish, you're cheap." Not personally, it's all kidding and nothing too serious. 
       Have you experienced any type of discrimination?
       Yea, when I was in 2nd grade, it might have been 3rd grade.  Some boy was yelling at me because I was Jewish and said he hated me because I was Jewish and said he hated me because I was Jewish.  And, I mean, people can be mean, so...
      What have you done to counteract the meanness?
       Just kind of, listen and let them talk because they just have to let them be who they are and then just kind of try to educate them about what they're saying and what is wrong with it and try to teach them - give them the right ideas.
      Do you think there's a lot of diversity at Mizzou?
       Yeah, I definitely think, in the Jewish community snot so much just because there's not a huge Jewish population here, but I definitely think there's a lot of diversity at Mizzou.
      Do you wish that there were more Jewish people here? Would it make it easier for you?
       I mean, it'd definitely be nice. I wanted to join a Jewish sorority but there's not one here, or not in Panhellenic anyway, so I joined the MGC sorority Sigma AEPi which is sisters of AEPi. I love it, but there's only like 30 of us and it's a lot smaller and I would've loved to join like a big Panhellenic Jewish sorority but there's just not enough Jews here, so it'd be nice, but it's not the end of the world.
      How do you think the diversity here affects the learning/living environment?
       I don't know. I don't think it affects us that much. I don't know.
       What have you done to contribute to the Jewish community at Mizzou?
       Well, like I said before I'm in the Jewish sorority and I go to services. I went to the high holiday services which are Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur which are the holiest days of the year in the Jewish calendar. I go to Shabbat services sometimes and celebrating Hannakuh in my dorm. Just trying to bring Judaism to everybody.